About me

If you know me, you know this about me.

I am a LEAP DAY BABY…born on Friday, February 29-1952. I am the ultimate “Philly Boy”… a street urchin.

George was born in Philadelphia, PA…West Philly, to be precise. He is a child of the 1960s—a Boomer. After graduating from high school, he entered a Catholic seminary with aspirations to be a priest. Two years later… well, it was not for him. Thus, for the next 30+ years, George worked in the healthcare industry after graduating from LaSalle University. He attained his M.A. in Human Services Administration from Rider University in New Jersey and taught there as an Adjunct Professor for five years.

In October 2023, George wrote and published his first novel, The Judas Tree – Book 1. If you love great characters, a plausible plot set in the year 2075, and dystopian literature… You’ll love this first of a trilogy that you won’t soon forget.

In 1997 George had an epiphany that changed his life. He discovered he was an alcoholic! No, he did not drink every day, was never arrested for a DUI, never lost a job due to his drinking, and no one ever told him to stop drinking. You see, George was what some might call a “functional alcoholic.” He had a six-figure job, a beautiful wife, five wonderful kids, and lived in a huge home overlooking a meandering creek in Bucks County, PA. Life on the outside looked grand. But on the inside… life was dark. Yet, through reading a memoir of another drunk, he discovered he had that same disease. He then wrote his first non-fiction book: Is Anybody There? Memoir of a “Functional Alcoholic,” which was a Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award in 2016.

His second book, The Best Sermons You’ve Never Heard, was published in 2022. In his search for the Truth, George has always found solace in the Carpenter from Nazareth, the Christ. These 15 sermons delve into Christ’s teachings, mainly his parables. Hopefully, George’s stories within the story help guide that next soul in searching for the Truth—to discover the God/man and his teachings of love and forgiveness.

George still lives in the Philly area with his bride of many years. Those five kids are all grown and have blessed him with ten grandkids who call him “Pop,”… which melts his heart. George also loves history and walking through battlefields. He has stood on Little Round Top in Gettysburg and in the waters off of Omaha Beach in Normandy always remembering “Freedom Ain’t Free.”

He’s taken up writing in his retirement. The Judas Tree – Book 2 will be published in  2024. He is also working on his first children’s book, If A School Bus Could Talk, again looking for publication in 2024 or early 2025.