“Mom always liked you best!” Tommy Smothers, August 1965

Welcome back again, to “If Necessary…Use Words!”

In keeping with the true meaning of my blog… today… I would like to propose that we have a National Laughing Day. Maybe it’s already been proposed… 

Not sure about all of you, but turning on the local or national news is like watching the movies “Psycho” or “The Hunger Games” over and over and over and over again.

We need a break! So… here ya go. 

BTW… you’ll need about 15-20 minutes for this post… slow down and laugh.

I love the picture above… a grandpop laughing with his grandchild.

So, I’ve chosen three videos with laughter in mind and a fourth that I hope will make you stop and think about how fortunate we are to be Americans. You may have seen them in the movie theatre, on television, or online. Those who know me know I like to make people laugh. I’m sad that in the 21st Century in America, we’ve lost our collective sense of humor… for I still believe “laughter is the best medicine.” 

As kids growing up in the streets of Philly in the early and mid-1960s, we would run to our local record store to buy 45-rpm records and albums, mostly of our favorite rock’ n’roll groups. Mine were The Beatles, Doors, Stones, Jefferson Airplane, the Who, the Temps, and Grand Funk Railroad. Yet, I remember buying one that turned me on to comedy: The Smothers Brother’s Album “Mom Always Liked You Best.” 

For those of you with siblings, it doesn’t matter, brothers or sisters, you know now, in your middle or later years, that that statement by Tommy Smothers was true! Sure, parents say, “I love all my children equally…” to which George Carlin once said, “Bull shit!”

So… no philosophy intended here… just laugh as I take you back to the summer of 1965. 

Now… War is no laughing matter. Yet, for those of us who are old enough, we remember seeing news clips of comedians Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Lucile Ball, and others entertaining our troops in Europe and the South Pacific during WW II. They and others, did the same during Korea and the War in Vietnam.  And today, around the world where our troops are stationed, I’m positive many entertainers are still attempting to lighten the load of our active military. My favorite comedian, who is no longer with us, entertained our military 12 times in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait.  Before he died, he said that it was in Kuwait that he witnessed something he’d never forget while he performed. If this video doesn’t move you… nothing will.

Robin, in 1987, portrayed another military “hero” named Adrian Cronauer. Cronauer was an air force sergeant who volunteered to go to Vietnam. From 1965 to 1966, Adrian greeted the military in Nam each morning at 6 a.m. on a radio program called Dawn Buster with “Gooooooooooooooooooood Morning Vietnam.” Here’s Robin’s take on the real Adrian Cronauer.

It should be noted that the real Cronauer most likely would never have considered himself a hero, but since I’m this blog’s author… I can and do. 

I read a comment at the conclusion of one of George Carlin’s comedy sketches and I’m paraphrasing here… “I believe if there is a thing called television 100 or 200 years from now, I hope they are still watching the great philosopher, George Carlin.” And… I agree. 

Now, I know Carlin could be very irreverent. However, he was pretty much irreverent toward everyone and everything… including himself. I wonder what today’s cancel culture would do with George???

In our world today, in 2024, where it appears many are looking to see and dissect ALL of our differences… here is George Carlin’s take on ALL of our SIMILARITIES!  Enjoy.

I pray you at least chuckled a few times during this blog post. 

An old friend many years ago asked me what I wanted on my headstone as an epitaph when I died.

I simply stated… “He was a good man, who made me laugh.”  

See ya soon. 


3 thoughts on ““Mom always liked you best!” Tommy Smothers, August 1965”

  1. George …. yes, I did laugh and out-loud and more-than-once. Then I suddenly thought about Richard Pryor and Don Rickles. Yup – laughter is great medicine … thanks for posting. 🙂

  2. Jack Brinkmann

    Leon – just love waking up and seeing another one of your uplifting podcasts! Never disappointing. Jack

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